Interior Design Firm Serving The Hamptons, NY

If you own property in The Hamptons, NY, it might be time for a refresh for the summer season. LeBlanc Design provides top-of-the-line interior design services to affluent communities throughout the East Coast. Here are a few examples of what we can provide for your home in The Hamptons.

Tailored Family Living for Hamptons, NY Residents
Original Interior Design Project based in Wellesley, MA
This beautiful 6,300-square-foot home features timeless elements and contemporary furnishings. For this project, we used a subtle gray color on the entry molding rather than white, which creates a modern take on traditional paneling. With layered textures throughout, this home was designed with both parents and children in mind.

English Tudor for Hamptons, NY Residents
Original Interior Design Project based in Newton, MA
Depending on the style of your home, this English Tudor interior design project may be the inspiration you need. This historic 7,000-square-foot property is full of juxtaposed textures, leather furniture, and a combination of neutral and exotic fabrics with captivating light fixtures. With original architecture circa 1890s, this project drew inspiration from the owner’s contemporary art collection.

Working with LeBlanc Design in The Hamptons, NY
Founded in 2005, LeBlanc Design has been providing top-of-the-line interior design services to residents in Massachusetts and beyond. We can handle all aspects of your Hamptons, NY, renovation or new construction project, from schematics to final installation. Inquire about our design services today to start planning your project.