Unique Fireplace Designs for Your Home
Marble Slab Fireplace:
Enhance your room by layering in a stunning custom marble slab fireplace. Marble slab fireplaces are a modern way to update a traditional home while adding a beautiful stone feature to your living space. High-end fabrication of marble slabs can be designed to fit any style of fireplace. These contemporary fireplaces can be custom built to accommodate millwork, televisions and more depending on the client’s design goals.
Original Architecture:
New England is known for its beautiful architecture filled with history. Many homeowners want to enhance the unique, one-of-a-kind woodwork in these by-gone era homes. Refresh the original craftsmanship by refinishing the carved wood surrounds and adding new marble or polishing the original stone. Style the rest of the room around the fireplace with more modern furnishings to create a beautiful, updated space.
Mixing Metals:
Another unique design element for a fireplace is to use metal. Adding touches of metal, such as bronze, with stone will bring a modern and contemporary approach to the design. Metal is a unique way to set your fireplace and room apart from other designs.
Bold Color Finish:
Adding a high-gloss lacquer as a finish on a fireplace will add a pop of color to the room. Tie the room together by layering the rest of the room with beautiful furniture, throw blankets, pillows and large-scale artwork.
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